Saturday, September 30, 2006

5K, All the Way!

I did it. This afternoon I did the 5K. Walking, of course. I really gave it my best shot, and feel pretty good about the whole thing. Ok, so it was just a fundraiser, not incredibly competive or anything. Just a nice, family-friendly, fundraising type of event. Even still, I admit the competitor in me did come out, a little. I'm proud to say I was among the faster walkers. Yes, there were a few walkers ahead of me that shot out of there way in the beginning and with whom I never did catch up. But there were a goodly number behind me, that stayed behind me and never passed ME up. The only folks who passed me were runners. And I passed up a number of walkers myself. So yay! Go me!

According to my watch, I think I did the 5K's (how many miles is that? 3.4 or something?) in about 43 minutes. No, that's not going to qualify me for any Olympic medals anytime soon. But goddam, I put the pedal to the medal, baybee -- as much as these 240+ pounds would allow! I barely broke my stride throughout the entire thing -- chug, chug, chugging along, my mp3 player in hand. And it felt really good. No, it felt GREAT! And I have all my walking this summer to thank for it. What a lovely feeling of empowerment. Who cares that I did all that walking all summer long, plus have the will and energy to enter 5K's, and not do so badly in them if I do say so myself -- yet still have not lost a single flippin' pound, BUT IN FACT have conspiculously tight Christmas jeans yet again??? Jeans that just this past spring were considerably more loose BEFORE I had even THOUGHTS of starting my fitness regimine??? And nevermind that Oprah was running full marathons at 40.
Hey, nevermind that, because I walk 5K's with my fat, 40 year old self, Bay-bee!

So, nyah, nyah, nyah...!

In any event, I had a lot of fun today, and intend to enter future 5K's as I find out about them. I'll be a 5K fiend!

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