Friday, May 26, 2006

Shangri-la Di Dah

So, I've still been managing to stay the course of non-disordered eating. No snacking at all to speak of. I declare, the Shangri-la diet is helping considerably with that. Except yesterday, when I felt a strong craving for sweets for the first time in awhile. Plus, I was hungry for, and consumed, three very square meals. I was a slilghtly taken aback -- until I remembered what time of the month it is. Yep. PMS tme rolling around again already --always, ALWAYS a 'munchy' time for me, no matter what. As in always feeling like I could eat a horse (or a horse-sized/shaped block of tofu that is). The good news is that despite being hungrier yesterday than I've become accustomed to lately, I did much better than I usually do -- with the no snacking. We'll see how it goes today. Typically the appetite shuts off the moment menstruation starts (like, probably in a day or two? Or three?), and I don't see why this month should be any exception....

Monday, May 22, 2006

Monday Musings

Yay, it's Monday, and I have my life back again. Big project over with, whew....

I'm happy to report that I have been continuing to avoid the disordered eating. However, it is getting on to be that lovely PMS time again -- always a test for my resolve.

I admit that I did have a slight brush with disorder last Friday night, after I attended a party. It was a very nice party, with offerings of expensive imported beer. Oh dear -- how partial am I to expensive imported beer. I rarely indulge, but here it was staring me in the face -- free alcohol. Free EXPENSIVE alcohol. I had 1 1/2 bottles, definitely enough to make me feel the effects. I came home from the party at 1:30 a.m. -- ravenous. I think it was the brew. I was starved, or in my impairment THOUGHT I was anyway -- and came home and raided the fridge. Happily, since the pickings were VERY slim there wasn't much to raid. So not much damage as a result. I will have to watch the alcohol connection in the future though -- if it wasn't for the party and the beer, I would have been in bed hours earlier and would never have even given food or eating another thought....

I'm still applying the Shangri-la Diet principles into my daily life. And I really do believe it is helping with appetite control. It still feels a little ...'funny' -- but, at least I've read the book now, grabbing it at the bookstore the other day, and have a good understading of the theory behind it all. It's easy enough to do, and honestly seems effective so far. I haven't weighed myself in awhile now, but my clothes (the previously too-tight X-mas Jeans in particular) are feeling pleasantly comfortable these days.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Something Old, Something New

It's one of those uber busy weeks around here, while my family is involved in a big project. There is light at the end of the tunnel though -- after this weekend things will slow down around here considerably.....

There are benefits to the heightened activity level however -- it's been easy enough to keep my food consumption out of the nondisordered range. I believe eating for me was a boredom activity a lot of the time in the past.

Aside from a little overeating of the delicious fare at a Mom's Day picnic last Sunday, I'd say I fell I've been doing pretty well sticking to my new habits of not snacking, and avoiding disordered eating. And the previously unwearably tight X-mas jeans? They are spot-on comfy now -- fitting Just Right (if not even slightly loose. w00t!)....

I have tried something new this week though, just for fun. In my online surfing recently, I stumbled across talk of the Shangri-la Diet. It sounded more than a little counter-intuitive to me, and I was ready to dismiss it all out of hand as yet another ridiculous weight-loss fad, or even an elaborate hoax. And besides, wasn't I through with all that 'dieting' b.s?. But, reading further, the theory behind it sounded intriguing, if a little ... hokey. Hey, I'm a natural-born skeptic. But, the principles of the 'diet' (though it's not really a 'diet' per se) seemsed so simple and cheap to apply I figured it couldn't possibly hurt to give it a go for at least for a little while, just out of curiosity if nothing else. The two-hour window of flavorless eating -- easy enough to incorporate into my day, since I've cut out snacking between meals anyway. It's been about 6 days now -- and I'd have to say, while I dont' yet notice a hugely dramatic difference, as some people report, there do seem to be subtle changes. I'm feeling full faster, on less food. But I don't know if it is the diet, my nerves with all the recent activity, wishful thinking, or what -- still, it is a significant and encouraging change, since I was still finding myself overeating at individual meals sometimes (like at special occasions, and eating out, or letting myself get to hungry, etc). I intend to give it more time to see how things progress.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Tuesday Today

My internet connection has been quite spotty and difficult lately. Some days I haven't been able to get online at all. Don't know what's up with that exactly, except that it's annoying. Though I've probably been too busy to post much anyway...

Marriage is in trouble. At least my eating remains, for the most part, nondisordered. I did overindulge at two recent restaurant meals -- that is to say, I left both establishments feeling a bit uncomfortably full. Both times I hadn't had much to eat during the day, and I expect I let myself get too hungry. Need to watch that -- and to remember to consciously listen more closely to my body's signals, as well as to stop thinking that eating out (which I so rarely do) is automatically some sort of celebratory occasion and a licence to overeat. Otherwise? The snacking issues that have plagued me for years still seem very much under control. Thank heaven for that....

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Weighed myself yesterday. 238. So very thankful and appreciative to see those numbers.....

Monday, May 01, 2006

Boring Background Information, Part III

Yay. I can actually coax my wedding ring off without soaping up within an inch of my life, and nearly taking my finger off in the process. That's no small consequence. Considering that I weighed somewhere around 145 pounds on my wedding day --nearly 100 pounds LESS than my current weight almost 15 years later? Eh, it's probably quite amazing I can actually still wear the thing at all....

So how did I manage to pack on so many excess pounts? What HAPPENED between then and now?

Well, for one thing -- babies.

Which leads me to .... Boring Background Information, Part III...

(Oops, sorry for the tease -- gotta go for now, will continue later)

May Day

Happy May Day all...!

So far, another day of freedom from disordered eating for me. Still have dinner to go, prepared and baking in the oven as it is, but color me unconcerned. My visit from "Aunt Flo" is imminent, in fact I think she's pretty much knocking at the door as I type-- so my appetite has characteristicly switched to low gear, as it usually does at this TOM. I will say that the oldish pair of stetched-out, size 18, LLBean, Women's Wide Leg jeans that I'm wearing right now? They are l-o-o-s-e. That's not saying a tremedous lot, since they are old and stretched out in their natural state anyway. But they do seem significantly baggier. And you'll find no complaining from me.