Monday, June 12, 2006


Ok. Against my better judgement, I weighed myself at my folks' last night. I could hardly believe my eyes.... 239. I felt compelled to repeat stepping on the scale a few times, just to be sure. How, I ask you, how can I be FEELING thinner, my pants fitting looser, my ring easier to slide on and off, my hip bones emerging when I lie on my back in bed -- how can I then be weighing HEAVIER according to the scale???? And don't give me the ol' 'muscle weighs more than fat' excuse, because I have'nt BEEN doing muscle-building exercise to speak of (actually outside of gardening and housework, barely any exercise at all lately). Gah...!

I hope I've learned my lesson finally. Scale Shmale -- just stay the hell away from it....

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