Friday, August 22, 2008

Gymmy Gym Gym....

A small moment of silence to commemorate my 8th month anniversary of gym membership (which technically was a few days ago but better late than never anyway)....


Here's to you -- my small, inexpensive, handy/nearby/convenient, no-frills gym. You continue to meet my basic needs and serve me well, and for that I thank you....

When I entered the gym doors last night, after a more stressful last couple of days, I was feeling like one big ugly tangle of knotted and irritated nerves. I knew working out would help with that, and it did. Talk about mood stabilization -- I left the gym feeling considerably more clear headed. Thank you, endorphins. And no, I didn't make a point of killing myself on the machines either -- just a nice, moderate, little workout. Because one truly doesn't have to become a Jane Fonda to reap the results, as I'm beginning to fully understand (because I'm faaaaaar from a work out queen). Still, I'm recognizing more and more that my work outs are becoming simply like my 'medicine' -- a huge chunk in the puzzle of my overall health (physical AND mental) and well being.

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