Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bike Hike

Another epic bike ride with my daughter last night -- riding around town exploring various distant neighborhoods for at least 2.5 hours. And even then it was only the threatening stormy sky that brought us home (just ahead of the rain). Despite the heat, it felt cool riding - the breeze on my skin beating out the heat index somehow I guess.

What is it about cycling? I always adored riding my trusty bike as a kid -- it always felt so freeing, even empowering. And at 41 years of age? It still does. I swear I just can't ever feel blue when I'm on a bike -- something about that feeling of the wind in my face, the scenery flying by. Magical.

I'm so appreciative that I can share this joy with my daughter, and that she adores it as much as I do....

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